API Rate Limiting
All clients are subject to two sets of rate limiting for requests. By default, clients may only send 180 requests per minutes.
Rate Limit Information
Information about current rate limits is provided in response headers, following this specification.
You may see response headers that look like the following:
x-ratelimit-limit = "180"
x-ratelimit-remaining = "178"
This value expresses the current values for the rate-limiting over 1 minute time window. The example here is using the default rate limits.
X-RateLimit-Remaining is the number of requests that your app may execute within the time window before CardioMood will reject subsequent requests. In this case X-RateLimit-Remaining: 178 means the client can make 178 more requests in that minute.
Rate Limited Response
After an API key's rate limit has been reached or exceeded,
CardioMood's servers will respond with a 429 - Too Many Requests
HTTP status code.